"I would like to say that this entire experience with S2S has been exactly what my company needed to get me over the hump. I've been stuck on this plateau thinking I can do it all by myself…The S2S team is showing me what I need to do to accomplish my goals and how to effectively delegate. It is so refreshing being surrounded by such successful people who are willing to bring me along with them or at least give me the map of how to get there. I wish I had this information years ago, but better late than never! Honestly, this consulting is a game changer. System2Solutions is such an asset and I'm thankful to have access to this knowledge."
Mark Seibles, Live Wire Installations
"I really enjoyed these sessions about government contracting, contracts database software, banking and social media! I don’t know where else I would have found these kinds of resources. Each of the S2S group sessions is jam packed with GREAT Information! It seems to keep getting better and better! I look forward to attending. The mental health and wellness components have been transformative to say the least. Thank you so much for this valuable opportunity!"
Zoritha Thompson, Infinite Management Solutions LLC
"The past 2 Saturday Sessions have been excellent. Working on the Business Canvas Model with Brian was an awesome start to understanding my value proposition and the “channels” to help people locate my business. I had a chance to follow up with Mark Adams in 1 on 1 sessions to get further clarity on completing my BCM. He took the time to understand my business instead of throwing out antidotal advice. The System2Solutions interdependence team approach has changed how we do business for the better."
Que Luke, A&M Hauling
"I would like to thank the S2S team for putting together all these valuable resources for us to take advantage of. The systems now in place to manage workload and help with redefining the companies’ value proposition has been invaluable."
Troy Holman, Troy Communications